Welcome to the first news item on the povey communications website as it goes live today.
For those who know me – I was poveyPR – primarily a PR based consultancy. However, having taken some of my own advice about corporate image, I’ve rebranded to povey communications. But why?
I’ve always considered all marketing elements in a campaign, not just PR, and needed a new brand to reflect this. I still offer PR and copywriting, and now graphic design including branding, website creation and SEO.
The name ‘povey communications’ and new strapline ‘effective marketing solutions’ clearly states it’s the whole marketing package I offer.
And the ‘wave’ icon represents various elements, or ripples, of marketing, that all build to become a wave, or an effective marketing solution. (I’m also a keen surfer so this icon says a lot about me).
I’m officially launching the new brand over the next few weeks – with an exciting offer for organisations to get to know me and the company. Details will be announced soon.
So for now, thank you for visiting. And if you need to create a new brand, or website, need SEO enhancements, or not forgetting PR – please get in contact. (01/05/12)